Discussion guide for Interviews and Focus Groups

Hello, would it be possible for me to ask you a few questions as research for a multi-national brand?

Please can you tell me your daily routine in as much detail as you like?
Are you an active person?
Or are there times when you feel in-active?
What is your job?
Or favourite Hobby/Pastime?
Have you ever tried to measure yourself? For example, on the scales, sleeping pattern, calorie intake, miles your run, hours of exercise, five a day?
Who motivates you the most? (A partner, friend, children)
Have you seen any of the devices below, they measure your well-being and activity?

Would you ever wear one and why?
Are you connected online with sites like Facebook and twitter?
Do you ‘check-in’ to places via online apps?
Would you share information online like your relationship status? (Single, in a relationship, married)
Would you say you’re willing to try new technologies?
What kind of accessories do you wear?
Are there any that you never take off? (for example wedding ring)
What drives you to purchase an accessory or piece of jewellery? (for example trend, emotional attachment, need, function, purpose)
Who bought you the best present you ever received?
How would you feel if it broke or you lost it?
Do you find it easy to buy for friends, family and partners?
In your life have you ever owned a friendship bracelet, wedding ring or an item for Mr and Mrs?
Do you like the idea and ascetics of the following 'pair/set of two' accessories and why?

Thank you for your time.